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With more businesses remote, what skills are desirable in 2023?

Here are the most desirable skills for working remotely in 2023. Picture Shutterstock
Here are the most desirable skills for working remotely in 2023. Picture Shutterstock

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During COVID lockdowns many companies had no choice but to adapt and allow their employees to work from home. Many companies found that their employees were just as and sometimes more productive whilst working from home.

As a result, many companies have allowed for a more flexible work environment and many companies have transitioned to having their employees work partially or full-time from home. However, working from home isn't for everyone. It takes a lot of self-discipline and skill to be able to work from home. Here are the most desirable skills for working remotely in 2023.

Being technologically literate

When you're working from home you won't have the convenience of having others nearby to help troubleshoot your technical problems. You will need to know what to do in the event that something goes wrong. You will need to have the ability to be independent and be able to solve simple technical issues like troubleshooting your WiFi connection, what to do in the event that your computer crashes and how to prepare yourself for a video conference.

It will be in your best interest to learn how to use all the programs required and how to use all of your equipment so that you can work independently and without the need of having to contact your colleagues persistently for help. Ensure that you know all of the programs that are required to do your job so that you are able to use them confidently on your own with minimal help. Completing a course such as a Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics from RMIT will make you stand out and ensure that you have the technical skills necessary to work from home.

Good self discipline

Source: Statistica- The biggest distractions while working from home. Picture supplied
Source: Statistica- The biggest distractions while working from home. Picture supplied

Working from home means that you have more flexibility but this doesn't mean that can necessarily slack off. You will still be expected to be just as productive as someone working in the office and you will still have responsibilities. If you let your tasks go by the wayside they won't go unnoticed. You won't have anyone constantly watching over your shoulder and keeping you accountable so you will need to be your own motivator.

You will need to have enough self-discipline to be able to stay focused and distraction-free while working from home. It can help if you have a dedicated workspace that isn't near anything that will distract you like your bed or TV. Research from Statistica shows the biggest distractions when working from home include, children, TV, gaming, social media, phones and news. So make sure you try to minimise distractions and keep distractions out of your workplace.

Fantastic communication skills

Just because you're not face-to-face with anyone doesn't mean you won't need to communicate with your colleagues. Many work-from-home jobs require you to talk on the phone to customers and work associates. You are also likely to be involved in meetings over video platforms like Zoom so you will need to be comfortable communicating on camera.

Written writing skills

If you are working remotely you will most likely be doing a lot of communication with your colleagues and superiors via email so it is essential that you can communicate concisely and clearly. The ability to use correct grammar and spelling will be beneficial so that you can get your point across clearly. Miscommunication can cause issues in the workplace so it's very important to be able to communicate clearly over email.

Up-to-date and reliable equipment

While most employers will supply you with the equipment necessary to complete your job, there are some employers that expect you to provide your own equipment. You will need a computer that is compatible with any programs that you are required to use for work, a fast, reliable internet connection, a reliable phone and most likely a webcam for video meetings.

Other equipment that is also useful to have may include, a printer, a comfortable desk chair and a dedicated workspace.

While working from home you will also need to keep your work secure so it's essential that you have an anti-virus program to protect your computer. If something happens to your computer you will be unable to work from home so it's necessary that you have up-to-date anti-virus software. You may also want to back up your work on a portable hard drive or USB in the event that anything ever happens to your computer.

The ability to work independently

Some people enjoy working in a team and miss the social aspect of working alongside colleagues. You need to be comfortable working alone and having your own independence. If you are an extrovert and feel as though working from home might be lonely and have a negative impact on your mental health then working from home exclusively might not be for you.

Furthermore, you need to be able to work independently without consistently contacting your co-workers for help or with mundane questions. It is important to be confident in your own judgements and abilities so that you feel comfortable working alone without constant help from others.

This skill also means knowing when to switch off and take a break. It's not as easy to have a work-life balance when you are doing both within the same space, so make sure you plan trips and breaks away to avoid burnout while working independently. Even the smallest walk or step away during a day can make a world of difference to your mental health.


In conclusion, it is important that you are able to work independently without the need to consistently ask your colleagues for help. To do this it is important that you learn how to use all of the equipment, programs and systems that your workplace uses to be able to do your job effectively from home.

It's also essential to have excellent time management skills, self-discipline and the ability to avoid distractions while working remotely. To do this it's recommended that you have a dedicated workspace and maintain a routine even while working on your own. Working from home doesn't suit everyone so it's important to take into consideration all of the pros and cons of working remotely before deciding to work from home exclusively.